Prodromal Labor…What is it and Why You Should Care

Prodromal labor is a very drawn out early labor consisting of a day or more of contractions that are NOT progressively getting stronger or more frequent. These prelabor (prodromal) contractions differ from early labor contractions in that they do not change much over time. Distinctively, prelabor contractions will NOT progress in frequency, duration or strength. Prelabor can be considered prolonged when the non progressing contractions last longer than 24 hours. To be clear, prodromal labor is not a labor complication, it’s more of a prelabor event to get past.

This event is more often seen in a first time mama’s labor; though, I will admit I experienced prodromal labor before actual labor began with my second baby. So, unfortunately if you are not a first time mama, you too are still not out of the [prodromal labor] woods.

Wait friend, there is some good news though! This prodromal labor typically effaces (thins out) the cervix over this period of time. Can I get an amen for that?! So at least it’s not for nothing! This latent labor (there are so many interchangeable words for prodromal labor LOL) can be difficult physically and emotionally as it may be uncomfortable enough to prevent mama from getting proper sleep and rest. For some mamas (although this was not my experience) this latent labor has mamas needing some comfort measures. 

To describe my personal experience with this, my contractions continued to awaken me every 15 minutes throughout two entire nights before I finally went into real labor the evening of what would have been the third night. I am thankful to report that I did not need to implement any serious comfort measures. During this time I was able to lay low at home, rest in bed if I needed to, take warm showers and get some back rubs courtesy of the hubby. But, I also still had to be a mama to my 2 year old babe through this experience as well. Gotta give myself credit for that!

If you’re having trouble interpreting whether you’re in prodromal labor or actual labor do not hesitate reaching out to your birth provider to ask for guidance. He/she will probably ask you how often the contractions are, how long they last, what your discomfort level is and if there are any other signs of labor happening.

Having my first labor experience under my belt, I knew that when the prodromal labor started I was not in actual labor yet. My contractions weren’t strong enough and were not changing in duration or frequency. When they finally did begin to change, I first noticed that they were getting closer together. After I was in a regular every 5 minutes pattern of contractions they then began getting stronger and more difficult to handle. For me, that was when I informed my birth team.

You can read more about my birth story here.

Prolonged prelabor (prodromal labor) can stir up many emotions for mamas experiencing it. I am sure it is easy to imagine that in this situation mamas can be contracting for many hours or even days with discomfort causing them to feel tired and discouraged. 

Here are some tips on how to get through prolonged prelabor. 

  • Avoid (as much as possible) assuming that your labor is going to progress faster, soon.
  • Try not to focus on these contractions. If you can, do things to distract yourself.
  • Use this time to add final touches to your hospital bag, rest when you can, go about your day, meditate, take a warm shower or bath, see your chiropractor.
  • Keep yourself hydrated & nourished.

Well, I can’t go on about prodromal labor/prolonged prelabor/latent labor for any longer lucky for you and me both! That is all I have or you. My hope for you is that you can cope well with prodromal labor if it is to be a part of your birth story. I am choosing to believe that my experience of it was necessary for me to have the birth that I had. My body needed that extra time to warm up and prepare for the main event. You can do hard things mama!

Reach out with any questions you have about this or any aspect of birth!

Talk to you soon friend!

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I am Jerica, a nurse turned stay-at-home mother of 4 and the mom behind Unpopular Moms. I’m all about questioning norms and taking a holistic approach to health and motherhood!

I will help you and your children stay healthy at home and give you resources to make wellness and nourishment a priority.

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Picture of Author: Jerica Hortel

Author: Jerica Hortel

I'm a registered nurse turned stay-at-home mom obsessed with natural wellness, nourishing foods, and taking a holistic approach to health and motherhood!

I teach mothers, and mothers-to-be, how to create a healthful postpartum, motherhood and family. I want to help you and your children stay healthy at home and give you resources to make wellness and nourishment a priority.

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