Processing Your Birth

In this blog post I want to address a heavy but important topic, processing your birth. Processing your birth becomes a heavy topic when you feel that your experience turned out much worse than you anticipated and it leaves you feeling traumatized. This blog isn’t only for the mama who has experienced a traumatic birth … Read more

Real Postpartum Expectations. What Postpartum Really Looks Like.

Here is a quick list of what you can [and should] really expect from your first and even subsequent postpartum transitions. That’s right, this post is not just for first time moms. In case you don’t know me yet, I tend to not sugar coat things. This list embodies that. Also, many of the things … Read more

Planning For Postpartum

POSTPARTUM RESOURCES LIST Gather your favorite credible sources for all areas of postpartum that you may need support in. For example, who will you contact if you have breastfeeding questions or concerns? Who will you contact if you need pelvic floor therapy? Where can you look for information on nutritional support & recipes or general … Read more

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