Packing Your Hospital Bag: What You Don’t Want to Forget

As a former labor and delivery nurse and mama who has had one hospital birth (the other was a homebirth) I want to give you my list of recommended items to pack in your hospital bag. This blog post is going to give you my personal insight as to what I think you need to … Read more

Why I Chose Homebirth

I want to preface this personal blog with this. I do not think any woman’s way of birthing her baby or what preferences she has for her birth are any less important or empowering than my own. I truly feel that women giving birth, whether it be a homebirth, a hospital birth, unmedicated, medicated, with … Read more

My Second Birth. A Homebirth Story.

This is my story. I am happy to share it. My wish is that it will give you hope and confidence. My hope for every mama is that she can have a birth experience that she feels proud of and reflects back on happily. Here is mine. My second birth on January 21st, 2020 was … Read more


My First Birth

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to have my FIRST blog post written and out there in the world to help inspire other moms! Did I just say first blog post ever for Unpopular Moms?!!! Yay! (This is both exciting and scary for me) This blog post is going to tell the story … Read more

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