My Second Birth. A Homebirth Story.

This is my story. I am happy to share it. My wish is that it will give you hope and confidence. My hope for every mama is that she can have a birth experience that she feels proud of and reflects back on happily. Here is mine. My second birth on January 21st, 2020 was … Read more


Birth Plans! Why Every Mama Needs One

A birth plan is a way for you to put down on paper what your birth philosophy is. What is important to you about the way you want to birth? What can you include in your plan to help your care providers understand your goals, better support you and better advocate for the birth you want. Your birth plan can clarify your goals and easily convey to your care team where they can step in to support you or step back and allow you to birth your way.


My First Birth

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to have my FIRST blog post written and out there in the world to help inspire other moms! Did I just say first blog post ever for Unpopular Moms?!!! Yay! (This is both exciting and scary for me) This blog post is going to tell the story … Read more

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