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I'm so happy you are here!

Curious about vaccines? Feel like you're only getting one-sided recommendations regarding vaccines. Looking for credible sources to use for your own research on vaccines. Looking for ways to better communicate your decisions around vaccines to your pediatrician, your family or friends?

then You've come to the right place...

I have felt this way in the past and was looking for help in these areas as a new mom just a few years ago. I am no expert on this topic, but I am confident in the experts you will be directed to through this page. Please share this page with other mothers in your life. You never know who might be wanting this information right alongside you! And be sure to bookmark it so you can come back as often as you need.

A little bit about who I am, how I intend for you to use this information, and how I ended up becoming a researching, question-asking, truth-seeking, crunchy, open-minded, resourceful, and unapologetic mama...

It all started when I became pregnant with my 1st baby in 2017. I was thrusted quickly (as we all are once we become pregnant) into thinking about what I was doing, why I was doing it and how it is affecting my growing child. The 1st major decision I remember making that threw me under the 'crunchy' mama bus was planning for a homebirth. My husband was a big influence on the start of my unpopular mama ways. Through my first pregnancy he was [and still is] a constant source of encouragement. He is always reminding me to question whether what we are doing is right for us or if we are doing it 'just because it seems right'. He filled me with the courage to seek pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood ways that are true to me. He questions norms almost to a fault. It was only a matter of time before that courage became a part of who I am as well. Now three years and two babies later I have a full fledged passion for seeking truth and health.

The information I provide here is intended to help as many mothers and families as possible access credible resources that support the anti-vaccine position. These resources will also help you if you are hoping to discover factual vaccine information for establishing a neutral vaccine position and support for medical freedom. To be clear, this page is not just for anti-vaccine families!

Please take it upon yourself to dive deeper into these resources. I may be able to answer general questions but you should be taking personal responsibility for your own truth-seeking journey. Click the links, read, watch, and cultivate your own habits for continual learning and implementing changes. I am here to encourage you along your journey. I'm not here to answer personal questions or questions about each resource. I have to set boundaries for my time. You have to do the work. You have to gain the knowledge to have conversations. You have to build your own courage to advocate for your own family.

Let me remind you of the culture around here. We stand for:


Here’s every resource I have looked into for help with making choices about vaccines. I’ve put them all in one place just for you! There is a lot of information to unpack here. Scan through them all and then start with the first resources that peak your interest. Go slow, growth takes time and courage. Not every listing has a link. Listings with links will change color on hover. Utilize the world wide web and do the searches yourself to find all the resources for each listing.

Sign Up Here for Medical Freedom Legislative Updates in Your State

Vaccine Laws and Exemption Information Found Here

Relatable Article: How I Became Anti-Vaccine.

Relatable Article: Dear Pro Vaccine Friend



You can put ANY research article's access link such as this: https://doi.org/10.1111/ijd.13851 and it is very likely to give you free access!!

Expert Lectures

Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Christopher Exley, PhD

Russel Baylock, MD

Bob Sears, MD

Toni Bark, MD

Chris Shaw, PhD

Theresa Deisher, PhD

Marcella Piper-Terry

Barbara Loe Fisher

Andrew Wakefield MB.BS.


Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness

Research backed Conversation

The Vaccine Conversation Podcast


Online Course

Is this page missing something you were looking for?

do you have another great resource I should have on this page?

Please send me a message. I'd love to hear more.

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